How to Celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day🎗

World Suicide Prevention Day
World Suicide Prevention Day

World suicide prevention day is observed annually on the 10th of September. The IASP or the International Association for Suicide Prevention, in conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO), formulated this day.

It is meant to create awareness and provide worldwide action and dedication to stop suicides. It is a critical day considering that about 1 million people commit suicide every year according to statistics from WHO. These are preventable deaths that we can minimize or eliminate if the right measures are in place. Since 2017, this day’s theme has been ‘Take a minute, change a life.’ Therefore, you can do something to reduce the number of suicide cases in your community.

Most of us wonder how to celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day because it does not sound like a day to have fun. The ideal way of celebrating the day is this way.  Think of this day as a reminder for us for the whole year to act if we notice someone is feeling suicidal. Many of us have hectic and busy schedules. This limits that we get to listen or observe what those around us are doing. Many people look okay on the outwards. However, on the inside, they might be going through a lot mentally and psychologically. We can help such individuals if we pause to listen to them and help them with the issues they might be going through.

Certain things can let you know that a particular person is contemplating committing suicide. They include:

Being Excessively Reserved

We all like to have a personal space. However, some of us avoid interacting with others, including close family members. These fall in the category of those who are perceived as very social, but all of a sudden, they start avoiding others. If you notice such a change in a person you know, you should take a closer look and try to talk with the person to try and understand what is bothering the particular individual.

Young girl portrait behind an iron fence

Self-Destructive Behaviours is linked with suicide

There are those who all over a sudden start living a reckless life. Abruptly, they stop worrying about what will happen next or who they might hurt. They tend to develop behaviours, such as overdrinking and selling personal items. Talking to such a person or connecting him/her with a professional counsellor will help reduce suicide cases.

Young man stands leaning against a wall in sunset.

Being Preoccupied With Death

Studies done by the WHO show that those who think and talk about death a lot might end up committing suicide! The number of individuals with suicidal thoughts has also increased, with more people being preoccupied with death. If you have a close friend or family member who talks about death excessively. Pay more immediate attention to them. Try and help such a person to avoid committing suicide.

By understanding the outlined tips of identifying a person contemplating committing suicide and others, you can celebrate the day more effectively.

Therefore, with the information on this brief, you will no longer wonder how to celebrate world suicide prevention day. Instead, you will be able to help someone who might be having suicidal thoughts. Make this day a reminder that you have a responsibility to help such individuals.

 See this image Follow the Authors  Nick Benas + Follow  Michele Hart + Follow  Mental Health Emergencies: A Guide to Recognizing and Handling Mental Health Crises
Mental Health Emergencies: A Guide to Recognising and Handling Mental Health Crises

Use a modern app such as Celecom to help you remember and plan for the specific day.

#WorldSuicidePreventionDay #SuicidePrevention #WSPD2020 #WSPD

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